Lips, ooh la la! like the French like to say. Which woman does not want to have full, luscious, juicy lips? Come on be honest. When the Restylane and Collagen is flying out of all the derms and plastic surgeons offices , I think that means one thing and one thing only. Women, we love full lips, the bigger the better. I am one of those women. I love lips and their shapes and the fuller the better, of course being a makeup artist I kind 'o know how to make them even bigger with products.
I always dreamed of Angelina lips. So a year ago I went to my derm and I said "I know I really don't need it but I want to try that Restylane stuff. Give me bigger lips". He was very hesitant. As a well respected doctor he wanted to warn me that it might not look as good too big. I told him to "shoot away, I want to experiment and see how much is too much."
So he did.
Boy, does it hurt! Those needles piercing through the thin sensitive skin of my lips made me tear. I felt the liquid going through and it felt good in a very weird way, that it shouldn't.Did I say, I am a masochist? I guess I must love pain. When he was done, my lips felt numb and swollen, a little bruised. I looked in the mirror and...oh my!!
It was like I had gotten stung by 100 bees. I started laughing although it hurt to do so. I thought it was the funniest thing I have seen but i loved it. My doctor was not happy, he thought it was too much but the good thing with Restylane, it is not permanent, it goes away in three months, at least for me.I have to say, I miss it when it's gone but at an average of $300 a vial, which is not bad, is a bit costly for someone that does not need it but wants to crack herself up. Call me crazy.
I am a makeup artist, is what I do, I experiment, I want to know first hand how things feel and cost and if they work, so I can have a valid answer for my clients. Same way I go and watch pretty much every movie even if people tell me how bad it was. 9 out of 10 times I have a different opinion, MY OWN.
When it comes to products, I am a big fan of Patricia Wexlers "no injection" lip plumper, apply every night before you go to bed, wake up with fuller lips. A little stinging occurs, do not be alarmed.
DuWop is another one I like. I particularly like their colored glosses. They give a little plump but not a huge difference.
Lip Fusion is another oldie but goodie. The XL works wonders for me but I also love the colored glosses. All these are temporary solutions of course and since we were not born with Jolie lips, we have to work with what we got. A natural, close to our lip color pencil will work great, lining a little above the lip line, be careful not to look like a clown. Use a lighter gloss or shimmer in the inside part, playing with light always creates a fuller illusion.
Good luck, girls.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Lip Service
Lip Plumpers
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