Do I have a little surprise for you girls out there?
Here we go: You know those days that you don't want to go through your seven step cleansing regimen at night? I am talking to those bad girls-you know who you are- that sometimes they skip taking their make up off at night. Yeah yeah we all know the drill: you should take your makeup off every night, you would look 10 years younger if you do...blah...blah...blah. THEY ARE RIGHT. But since I have compassion for the late nighters, too tired, didn't have time, wasn't home, kind of girl (which by the way i am one of them), here it is.
Tricks of the trade coming from the mouth of a makeup pro that doesn't follow her own advice half of the time.
One of my absolute favorites in the non oily makeup removers is the Shisheido cleansing water.
I discovered that product while working on the new movie Star Trek (2009). We had a lot of women background artists that were inside the Enterprise with very intricate makeup. This product was suggested to me by another great artist, Bonita. We would do quick clean ups under their eyes and around their eyeliners. Great for little boo boo clean ups while doing your make up and a great quick remover for eyes and the whole face, for the ones that do not want oil residue. For $20.00 a bottle that lasts a long time it is a great buy.
My second best is the Clarins instant remover. This contains oil but it removes every trace of makeup really fast, so if this is all you have in your bag, use it on eyes and all over face. After you remove makeup, find a washcloth, soak it under hot running water (make sure you can handle it) and scrub your face with it.
TIP: Do not break the bank for fancy wash cloths, the cheaper the better because they are not as soft, so you get to exfoliate your skin better.
I recommend this for people with dry skin especially since the oil in the remover has hydrating advantages. Price tag $26.00.
And now for my favorite little surprise, you did not see this one coming.
Johnson's baby shampoo.
Johnson's baby shampoo.
Yep that's right, Johnson's baby shampoo. I know some of you might not have kids around but I would invest in a bottle, it is good to have it around in case you run out of hand soap, it can work as a shaving cream(legs), it can work as shower gel and the best one of all as an eye makeup remover.
How did I find out? Living in California and having the Santa Ana's winds blowing us occasionally I got dry irritated eyes and went to my ophthalmologist for help. When her prescription to me was Johnson's Baby shampoo i was like "what?".
Since she probably knew better than me and since she explained to me that although Johnson's does not include it on their label, it is recommended by ophthalmologists for eye irritations. Remember "tear free". I love it, I have not woken up with swollen eyes ever since I been using it. For under $5.00, this is a winner.
Go on girls, snatch those baby shampoos, show those babies how to share and give them something to cry about.
when u said.. u know who u are bad girls.. i knew u were talking to me.. -kristina
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