I have to share the secret that Makeup Forever has given us, with the world. Here it goes.
Meanwhile at that time the compressor was a big bulky and heavy one, so this was another problem for us, having to carry all that we do.
I have been using it happily ever after that day, with no drama.
The amazing Makeup Forever HD line they established is definitely made for HD broadcasting. When the High Definition cameras hit the media, we makeup artists where a little hesitant. We realized that we have to go the extra step of covering and blending even more precise than what we had been all these years. High Definition is not forgiving. It shows every speck of skin problems and every speck of makeup that is too heavy and not blended well enough. We started with airbrushing which has been around for a long time but made another debut with the newcomer HD cameras. Airbrushing, I came to find out is great, I personally enjoy applying makeup this way only because it is fast, smooth and by far more sanitary for people with sensitive skin. No touching or pulling on the skin at all, just a lite air stream of makeup hitting your face like a breeze. Airbrushing can be heavy too though. It is an art form that has to be mastered first before applied.
I bought my first airbrush eight years ago and at first I was staring at it like a foreign object from space. I was afraid of it. All the little parts that needed special care and cleaning after every use. All the adjustments you had to do whether you wanted a fine face flow or a heavier flow for t
he body. That was scary even for me, that I am considered a pro.

I took a few classes from different artists that claimed to have mastered the art and I was still not convinced that was working. Everyone was still kind of new to it and still afraid so they where passing that fear along.
I gave up and stored it away. One day I thought I will revisit that task but for now I am incapable of dealing with it.
Unfortunately since the airbrushing had become the new fad in our industry I had to revisit my monster friend sooner than I thought. I was hoping this one shall pass and I would never have to deal with the beast disregarding the heavy price tag of $500.00 for the compressor and about $130 for each airgun (I got two), not to mention the makeup which runs at $25.00 for each small bottle.

The demand was high and I happen to be called several times by clients requesting it.
I had to get with the program and go for it. I did and when I started to read up and pulling it apart, I realized that it is not as hard as I thought.
I started with spraying water through it and figuring out the intensity of the flow and how to adjust it. I got into the foundation part and after several failed attempts I figured out how to smoothly pass the color through and it was heaven. I felt so smart and accomplished...till it clogged up. I am like "Oh, my God, I broke it! What now?"
Needless to say, I did not brake it. There is a lot to learn about this little beast and it takes lots of patience and failing before you concur it but it worked out at the end. My clients where happy and I was thrilled. It was an accomplishment.

Makeup lines realized that it was time to compete in that area and started developing products to fit in the airbrush circle of friends. Thank God (or whoever else you like) for that.
Going back to high definition world though it meant nothing to just airbrush the foundation onto a face, one had to control the amount very swiftly to pass that test.
Practice, practice, practice, is all I can say and if I did it so can pretty much everyone.
Makeup Forever's HD line and a lite hand is as close to airbrushing as possible but our actors good skin care regimen is also coming to play a part. Unfortunately for all our lazy friends out there that love to be in front of the cameras they have to do their part on taking good care of their skin first. Volcanoes erupting on your face no matter how good a makeup artist covers it, creates a shadow on a certain angle and it becomes an issue for DP's too that work with the lights since chances are the actor will move their heads around while talking.
The new Makeup Forever HD line of foundations comes in a great range of colors and goes on very smooth, almost undetectable. You can apply it with a large synthetic brush (I love the Mark foundation brush, only $6.00 at http://www.avon.com/) a sponge or a kabuki brush.
To finish the look Makeup Forever has developed a translucent powder that goes with it and it is the best powder I have tried for that job. It is very fine and it consists solely of mineral silica powder. The combo of those two creates a flawless result.
Of course using it on set, I came up to the biggest challenge of it all. "Can it come as a solid compact?" since the fine powder makes it hard and time consuming for "last looks" because we have to work really fast. I had an opportunity to meet the creators of the line on a visit to our set and I asked just that. The answer was "NO", since it is 100% mineral silica, making it into a solid form will change the effect since they have to add other ingredients to solidify it. As disappointed as I was, I am still using the product on set due to it's amazing finish, I just soak up my brush before they call last looks.
You can buy Makeup Forever HD foundation and powder at http://www.makeupforever.com/ or at http://www.sephora.com/ the foundation is $40 and the powder $30.
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