I would like to introduce you to one of Hollywood's best kept secrets today.
It is raining today at the Paramount lot. We were out on location shooting all morning and we are finally back on set. We are shooting the last episode of season 1 for "Privileged" and can I just say that I am so happy I had the chance to work on this show. I have been working in the business for years and I have been so lucky to have worked on some great shows and movies. But "Privileged" touched my heart a little deeper than the others. It is like a family. The whole crew and cast have been close from pretty much the beginning. We all just clicked. Yes, like all relationships in life we had some hard times and some people that did
not fit. The main crew and cast has been together from beginning to the end and it feels good, it feels like home. There is genuine care on the set, none of that Hollywood frou frou talk, plain simple honest caring for each other. I have to admit that it does start from the top and starting with the creator of the show Rina Mimoun, who is a great person, sweet and easy going. Easy to talk to and very approachable. Our producer Peter Burrell. Usually producers are scary and always busy with something more important than YOU. Peter always took the time to talk and address any kind of problem there ever was on set. We love him. Our cast starting with Joanna Garcia that beyond her beautiful looks and incredible talent she is a sweet person with the biggest heart ever. No Div
as here. And let me tell you, if she is not a Diva, then no one else has the right to be. We got lucky, the cast has been amazing fun people and easy to work with. I am telling you this show has spoiled me. Keep watching it so we can have a second season because honestly it has raised the bar for a lot of us. Anne Archer, the ever so classic beauty, beautiful, talented and fun to be around. A breath of fresh air. We have some beautiful men too, I am sure the girls have been waiting for this one. Brian Halissay, the BOD. Brian is funny, we crack each other up and he hates it when I put the concealer too close to his eyes. He always takes deep breaths and acts like someone is about to pluck all his lashes out. We always start laughing at the dramatic behavior.
We have a newcomer on set. Robert Buckley, he is the new...I will not say. Watch the show to see where he fits in and who is he going to woo.
Last but not least, the twins. Ashley Newbrough and Lucy Hale, also known as Hucy. I love them. Those two have almost become my children the last few months, except I am too young to be their mom. We cried, we laughed, we PMSed together. I covered their pimples, they updated me on the music, young cool people listen to, these days.
Of course one of my closest people on set is my Department Head and very dear friend Kathleen Crawford. Kathleen has years of experience in this business as a department head and we have worked together in the past. Being together over 50 to 60 hours a week can become a difficult task sometimes but with Kathleen and I it has been nothing but fun. The two days on the weekend that we have apart usually we talk on the phone or try to meet up. I will definitely miss our morning chats over coffee as we both get to work early so we can share our weekend experiences apart from each other. I am so used to our time together that I am going to go through withdrawals for the next few weeks. I just might have to call Kathleen up and meet her for coffee every morning just to reminisce and relive our last seven months together. I have learned a lot from her and I admire the way she uses her talent to make everyone that goes through her chair, well absolutely gorgeous and ready for action.
I am sad that the first season is over. I have spent more time with these people the last few months than with my real family. I am also very happy to have had this experience and have met them all. I am sure we will get a second season and if we all manage to come back again together, it would be something to look forward to. Of course the fact that the show is so cute and it is getting so juicy and interesting will help the executives' decision. We have held our own, without any promotion or advertisement we kept our tv viewers happy enough to watch every Tuesday night. Our writing team, Jenny Lynn, David Babcock, Michael Reisz, Christopher Fife and of course Rina herself with the rest of the writing team have been brainstorming some really good stuff. Our season finale is going to be a big deal with twists and turns and shocking surprises.
I can't say any more. Tune in on Tuesday nights, CW 9pm and watch the show.
"PRIVILEGED" is a new show on CW airing every Tuesday night at 9pm. It also happens to be the show I've been working on for the past seven months and I love it. More on behind the scenes of the show is coming up soon, till then enjoy the clips.
Lips, ooh la la! like the French like to say. Which woman does not want to have full, luscious, juicy lips? Come on be honest. When the Restylane and Collagen is flying out of all the derms and plastic surgeons offices , I think that means one thing and one thing only. Women, we love full lips, the bigger the better. I am one of those women. I love lips and their shapes and the fuller the better, of course being a makeup artist I kind 'o know how to make them even bigger with products.
I always dreamed of Angelina lips. So a year ago I went to my derm and I said "I know I really don't need it but I want to try that Restylane stuff. Give me bigger lips". He was very hesitant. As a well respected doctor he wanted to warn me that it might not look as good too big. I told him to "shoot away, I want to experiment and see how much is too much."
So he did.
Boy, does it hurt! Those needles piercing through the thin sensitive skin of my lips made me tear. I felt the liquid going through and it felt good in a very weird way, that it shouldn't.Did I say, I am a masochist? I guess I must love pain. When he was done, my lips felt numb and swollen, a little bruised. I looked in the mirror and...oh my!!
It was like I had gotten stung by 100 bees. I started laughing although it hurt to do so. I thought it was the funniest thing I have seen but i loved it. My doctor was not happy, he thought it was too much but the good thing with Restylane, it is not permanent, it goes away in three months, at least for me.I have to say, I miss it when it's gone but at an average of $300 a vial, which is not bad, is a bit costly for someone that does not need it but wants to crack herself up. Call me crazy.
I am a makeup artist, is what I do, I experiment, I want to know first hand how things feel and cost and if they work, so I can have a valid answer for my clients. Same way I go and watch pretty much every movie even if people tell me how bad it was. 9 out of 10 times I have a different opinion, MY OWN.
When it comes to products, I am a big fan of Patricia Wexlers "no injection" lip plumper, apply every night before you go to bed, wake up with fuller lips. A little stinging occurs, do not be alarmed.
DuWop is another one I like. I particularly like their colored glosses. They give a little plump but not a huge difference.
Lip Fusion is another oldie but goodie. The XL works wonders for me but I also love the colored glosses. All these are temporary solutions of course and since we were not born with Jolie lips, we have to work with what we got. A natural, close to our lip color pencil will work great, lining a little above the lip line, be careful not to look like a clown. Use a lighter gloss or shimmer in the inside part, playing with light always creates a fuller illusion.
Good luck, girls.