Most of us put on our hats and coats and run out with an umbrella knowing that as soon as we get to our destination and remove our weather gear we will have to face the hat head and melted make-up look. Well, that doesn't work well for a job interview or a date.

Not to worry ladies, Glam Reporter to the rescue.
Make-up first.
You think waterproof is only for summer? you are wrong.
Waterproof mascara is vital in rainy weather considering it is humid and wet and things tent to wanna run down your cheeks. Cream shadow and blush followed by the powder versions is also a little trick of the trade. Try it! Stily Style is a waterproof line of make-up with great eyeliners and lip liners.

Last but not least, moisturize because even with humidity the winter cold weather still leaves skin dehydrated. If you must have foundation on, try a tinted moisturizer (my fave is Laura Mercier) or mix your foundation with equal parts of your moisturizer and evenly apply to your beautiful face. keep it all dewy by taking it easy with the powder but do set your make-up with a translucent preferably loose powder which does not tent to cake up (My favorite is Koh Gen Do or Laura Mercier). For oily skin, keep some blotting papers handy (I love the mac ones).
Let's move on to the Hair.
This is the real challenge in the winter rainy days.
How do you control it?
If your hair is frizzy and curly by nature I found a fabulous product that I can't live without and I use religiously.
Moroccan Oil. The shampoos are amazing, other than soft, healthy and full of body hair, the Moroccan Oil products are leaving our hair pleasantly fragrant for days.
Moroccan Oil curl cream on damp hair or the classic Moroccan Oil itself will do the trick before blow drying or In Styling it.
In Styling it?
The In Styler has countless infomercials that I am sure you have caught while channel surfing.
I saw one a long time ago and I thought to myself that this was another overpriced gimmicky product that will end up in my garage sale.
Over the holidays I run into a friend that claims she uses it and she has long curly hair, only I have never seen it curly. It always looks smooth, straight and shinny.
That was my first In Styler encounter. She claimed the In Styler was her secret to smooth straight hair.
I was tempted but not enough.
A week ago when all that rain came down to cleanse L.A, another friend at work talked about her In Styler gadget. She brought it to work.

We were all gathered around it in a circle looking at it like it was some kind of meteorite that hit the make-up trailer. The hairstylist of the show was determined to test it on all hair types and she did. I offered my frizzy wavy unmanageable hair to her too, in hopes of some kind of a miracle.
Well, it worked darlings and boy did it work.
In less than 15 minutes my hair was smooth, shinny and just how I like it, straight as a nail but with body. I also just cut my bangs short, think Lady GaGa like, so I really need something that will straighten the bangs fast and easy since I have no other choice but to wear it that way. Day two of crazy rain and hail in L.A, I went to work with stick straight hair as fabulous as the day before. I bought one and I am thrilled because it is easy to use on your own and you don't need to pay the $40 to your stylist.
The In Styler can be purchased online at their official website or at Bed Bath and Beyond.
Price tag: $99 (but if you have a 20% off coupon at Bed Bath and Beyond, it's less)
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