Koh Gen Do make-up.
For the make-up artists that have worked with this product, there is really nothing else to say. This article may come really handy to those of you that want to try a new kind of make-up.
So, you are not sure your foundation is the right color. If I had a penny for every time I have heard women ask that. It comes easy to me since it is my job but that is why I am here. Look no further.
Maifanshi Moisture Foundation
This small tube of foundation comes in a vast variety of colors to match anyones skin tone.I love the mixture between 02 and 03. Why? With just those two tubes I can match pretty much any light to medium skin tone. One has pink undertone and the other more yellow.
For an added effect I also mix in the Pearl white primer which makes the skin look smoother and even. Lastly not only is it a Primer but it acts as sun block too. Fabulous!

SPA cleansing water
I am in love.
This magic bottle contains one of the best and most pure cleansers. It removes even waterproof mascara...wow!!!!
It feels great on your skin and you don't have to rinse with water. So, the nights that I am coming home late from work or from fun (work is fun, too!) and I am too tired to do my three step cleansing, I do the spa water. One step, all done. Ready for bed.
Price tag: $46.00 for the limited edition 450 ml bottle. Yes you will use it but you can try the smaller version 300 ml for $35.00.
The secret ingredient to the spa water experience is the organic cotton pads, made without the use of fertilizers, bleaches and pigments. You have never felt anything like that before.
Price tag: $9.00 for a box of 60 or $21.00 for the limited edition 180 pads box.
As far as lipsticks go, they rock too. My favorite color, nude beige. A great new version of the old nude. I used it on Olivia Wilde (House MD) when she was going to an event and I never saw it again. It looked amazing on her and I love her, so I forgive her.
Price tag: $35.00 each, these lipsticks feel like satin on your lips.
I love love loooove this line! I have a lot of their products, most recently their lipstick and gloss and I am addicted to it. It leaves my lips so moist.
I have extremely sensitive, reactive skin and I have bought most of their skincare line. This says how much I love their products because I have never bought more than a few items from any one brand.
The Maifanshi foundation is nothing I have ever come across. To me it is probably the most skin-like of any foundation I've put on my face.
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