OK, who does not want long full eyelashes? We all do!
I had short lashes most of my life growing up. I battled with promising mascaras and nothing worked.
So, when the JAN MARINI product came out I had to try it. All my girlfriends in the makeup world were using it and told me about it. At the time it was a big fad and part of me did not believe in it, that is why I had to try it for myself. It was a little pricey at $160 but I thought if I do not try it then I will never know. I bought one anyway.

For that money I was hoping it would work and it did. Three months later and with consistent use-well...I skipped a few times, too tired- I noticed a difference.
My lashes started to look longer and when I was applying mascara this time, the result was great.
People started noticing and that was my sign.
Jan Marini works, it worked for me.
That of course was the original formula. I heard that the new formula is as good but some people experience an irritation with it. I have had friends try it and the results were equally great.
Now, I heard about this new product LiLash at a lower price $139 and the reviews were great online but I have not gotten my hands on it yet. Although my lashes no longer need anything but mascara to look fabulous, I am willing to give it a try. If any of you have beat me to it, please let me know what you think.
When it comes to eyelash permanent extensions I have another theory. 

I have not had them myself but I have had several clients that did and they were happy with them for the first week but for the price whether you can afford it or not, it is definitely not worth it. Eventually the lashes fall out one by one and there is really no way to pull the rest of them out yourself so you have to wait till their time comes.
That leaves you with a few strands hanging on their own in an odd way since you can't control which one falls out first.
When I had that happen to my clients and they had somewhere to go two weeks after the fact, I had a challenge to face. I had to go in with individual lashes at first to match the missing lashes and then put on a strip or more individuals.
When I wasn't around to do that, my clients walked around on their daily life with a few long lashes picking out from their natural ones. Not pretty!
As I do not ever like to be negative about anything, this is hard for me to praise.
I guess if you are getting married and want to have long lashes for the honeymoon or you are going to a short vacation with someone important then do it but get ready to face the down side soon.
I personally would invest in a tube of Jan Marini 3 months ahead of time and when I get to my results I would buy a nice lengthening mascara-I love L'OREAL TELESCOPE in black- and call it a day. Overpriced mascaras are also another overpriced fad, it is more of a status thing than a result thing. Save your money girls, there is always fake lashes if you are in a pinch.
Last but not least, I just read an article about permanent lash implants, that is used at the moment on people that lost their lashes due to chemo or burned victims. They are trying to bring it on the market for the rich that have a few thousands to spare and it is for life. It is a surgery though and it has a lot of down time and side effects, like infections. It is a drastic approach and it is mainly for people with absolutely no lashes. They take a hair sample from another part of your body that the hair resembles your lashes and implant it on your lash line, it takes a few months to a year or more to see the results and if it works then I guess it is permanent for life.
We are talking extremes here though but I had to mention it since it is in the subject.

For the ones that are blessed with their own lashes though, short, long, straight or curly there is plenty of non invasive products out there that can do the job. Remember, anything that has moisturizing elements to it is good for the growth of your lashes, since it is hair. A heated eyelash curling iron is also a great investment or just blow dry your non plastic curling iron till it gets warm enough and curl away.
So, do not fear, all the products you need are here. : )
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