Oh...the Grammys. The T-shirts under the suits, the Rock Stars and Rap Stars with their Bling, The more casual Glitz and Glory of the Oscars. Every year I have the opportunity to work on my beloved clients and musicians and somehow be a part of all that fun but this year I also had the opportunity to follow at the after Grammy parties. Oh...THE Glitz and the glory and the no parking anywhere on the Hills of Beverly since everybody that is anybody wanted to go to the same place we did. What is up with that?
Huge luxurious homes with caterers and bartenders and with a sea of people wanting to be photographed by the paparazzi crowding the streets while the valet had no more room to park any of our cars so we can also attend. It was crazy!
I mean...the thought was a fun one, when do normal non famous people like me get to attend those events? So I was very excited to be there. All the excitement drifted away when I had no were to park my car and had to walk in 4 inch heals for a mile to return to the event. Ok, so I was in with all those celebrities. Walking by John Legend, brushing shoulders with TI and observing Queen Latifah trying to also park her luxury vehicle while she is walking a mile back to the house. Only she was wearing jeans and boots, smart girl!
The funniest part of the night for me was when after I had an argument with the valet guy as to why he did not park my car at a little spot in the front, this white Bentley pulls up and he parks it right at that particular spot I was interested in. I was furious!
I expressed my disbelieve and disappointment as lady like as I could only to find out that the car belonged to the owner of the house that the party was taking place. Well...I took my lady like foot and put it in my lady like mouth and walked away half embarrassed. The other half was still pissed.
The interior of the house of that famous rapper, which I will not name, was a labyrinth. Too many people everywhere, the stairs, the patios, the rooms. Too many rooms. My delay resulted into me loosing my company and going on a hunt to find them through the mass of celebrities. Loud music everywhere, people staring, probably thinking that I was someones trophy girl for the night since I was like a fly in milk inside there. It took me only a few minutes to realize that I don't belong and got my lady like behind out of there. Meanwhile my company made their exit fast too and I got a text to the next location. After a mile walk back to the car with my 4 inch heals and rain, we made it to the next location. A Hollywood staple spot for famous people again. Parking was easier this time and as I am walking up to the door man with freezy hair and worn out heals, I made it known that I would go postal unless he lets me in. He let me in with no
questions asked although I was not anyone famous. I think he got scared. : )
I needed a drink and my husband managed to get me one. Here we go again, trying to find our company that was sitting probably in a private booth. As I am walking delirious by now and trying to look at all the private booths in the dark to find my friends that mostly wore black I bump into someone and half spilled my drink. That's it! I turned around, ready to let someone have it since I was on my last straw and here I see this well dressed familiar face staring at me...not in a good way. Kid Rock. I knew the night had to end soon. I texted my friends a polite goodnight and exited after I inhaled my Gray Goose cranberry. I am calling it a night!
Grabbed my husband by his tailored suit and left.
As we got home that night, I realized how much more comfortable and great it felt to be wrapped around his arms in our warm silk bedding.
All that Glitz and Glory and famousness is great. I am very blessed to have great friends that find my company worthy of a night out in the Grammy party world but I enjoy them better while we hang around a dinner table able to hear each other speak.
Huge luxurious homes with caterers and bartenders and with a sea of people wanting to be photographed by the paparazzi crowding the streets while the valet had no more room to park any of our cars so we can also attend. It was crazy!
I mean...the thought was a fun one, when do normal non famous people like me get to attend those events? So I was very excited to be there. All the excitement drifted away when I had no were to park my car and had to walk in 4 inch heals for a mile to return to the event. Ok, so I was in with all those celebrities. Walking by John Legend, brushing shoulders with TI and observing Queen Latifah trying to also park her luxury vehicle while she is walking a mile back to the house. Only she was wearing jeans and boots, smart girl!

The funniest part of the night for me was when after I had an argument with the valet guy as to why he did not park my car at a little spot in the front, this white Bentley pulls up and he parks it right at that particular spot I was interested in. I was furious!
I expressed my disbelieve and disappointment as lady like as I could only to find out that the car belonged to the owner of the house that the party was taking place. Well...I took my lady like foot and put it in my lady like mouth and walked away half embarrassed. The other half was still pissed.
The interior of the house of that famous rapper, which I will not name, was a labyrinth. Too many people everywhere, the stairs, the patios, the rooms. Too many rooms. My delay resulted into me loosing my company and going on a hunt to find them through the mass of celebrities. Loud music everywhere, people staring, probably thinking that I was someones trophy girl for the night since I was like a fly in milk inside there. It took me only a few minutes to realize that I don't belong and got my lady like behind out of there. Meanwhile my company made their exit fast too and I got a text to the next location. After a mile walk back to the car with my 4 inch heals and rain, we made it to the next location. A Hollywood staple spot for famous people again. Parking was easier this time and as I am walking up to the door man with freezy hair and worn out heals, I made it known that I would go postal unless he lets me in. He let me in with no

I needed a drink and my husband managed to get me one. Here we go again, trying to find our company that was sitting probably in a private booth. As I am walking delirious by now and trying to look at all the private booths in the dark to find my friends that mostly wore black I bump into someone and half spilled my drink. That's it! I turned around, ready to let someone have it since I was on my last straw and here I see this well dressed familiar face staring at me...not in a good way. Kid Rock. I knew the night had to end soon. I texted my friends a polite goodnight and exited after I inhaled my Gray Goose cranberry. I am calling it a night!
Grabbed my husband by his tailored suit and left.
As we got home that night, I realized how much more comfortable and great it felt to be wrapped around his arms in our warm silk bedding.
All that Glitz and Glory and famousness is great. I am very blessed to have great friends that find my company worthy of a night out in the Grammy party world but I enjoy them better while we hang around a dinner table able to hear each other speak.
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