Saturday, December 11, 2010

59 Perfect Party Dresses Under $100 Fashion:

59 Perfect Party Dresses Under $100 Fashion:

The Holiday season Is here once again and the big dilemma of what to wear is hitting us faster than a meteor.
I stumbled upon this post that has 60 dresses for the girl that wants to look good but also on a budget. Many dresses, in many affordable prizes and for all figures.
If you are anything like me, you want to dress accordingly to the theme of each party.
For example: when I go to my rockstar friends parties, I add a little edge to my dresses with an accent of leather. When I am invited to a family gathering I keep things simple including my color palette.
You got to make sure that you will not overwhelm the hosts or shock the grandparents and children. :)
Some of my favorite on a budget stores are H&M, Macys, Urban Outfitters, victories and Dillards (not in California :(...). If I want to splurge a little or if my husband is taking me shopping ;), I prefer Nordstroms, Chloe boutigue and Barneys New York.
Of to start my shopping.
Happy Holidays to all!!!


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