Monday, December 13, 2010

Postcards from Santa? Yes, there's an app for that

Postcards from Santa? Yes, there's an app for that

Yes, Santa writes back...with a little help from mom and dad.
Kids always sent letters to Santa, so why not Santa write back once in a while. I know he is busy with getting last minute toys and making sure the elves are doing their job but at night when he has quiet time, he writes back. Santa loves postcards and he thinks it is really important to reply to letters. He doesn't get an opportunity to write to all kids every year but he makes sure to remember for next year.

Even Santa has an app to remind him which kid to write to. ;)
I love this app!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

59 Perfect Party Dresses Under $100 Fashion:

59 Perfect Party Dresses Under $100 Fashion:

The Holiday season Is here once again and the big dilemma of what to wear is hitting us faster than a meteor.
I stumbled upon this post that has 60 dresses for the girl that wants to look good but also on a budget. Many dresses, in many affordable prizes and for all figures.
If you are anything like me, you want to dress accordingly to the theme of each party.
For example: when I go to my rockstar friends parties, I add a little edge to my dresses with an accent of leather. When I am invited to a family gathering I keep things simple including my color palette.
You got to make sure that you will not overwhelm the hosts or shock the grandparents and children. :)
Some of my favorite on a budget stores are H&M, Macys, Urban Outfitters, victories and Dillards (not in California :(...). If I want to splurge a little or if my husband is taking me shopping ;), I prefer Nordstroms, Chloe boutigue and Barneys New York.
Of to start my shopping.
Happy Holidays to all!!!

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