Chemical peels have been around for a while. I personally am a big fan.
Being in my 20es, I never thought of how it is to be with uneven skin tone or brown spots.
My skin was naturally even and clear. I was selling makeup when I was not even wearing much myself. That ship has sailed though!
Now I am in my thirties and after having my son, my hormones decided to go all crazy on my skin.
Weeks after my son was born, I noticed brown spots on my face. Not exactly "The mask" but pretty close. This was serious.
I found a dermatologist and run to him. He suggested TCA peels and Microdermabrasion every three weeks.
As I am writing this article, I have skin peeling from my face and it is quiet disturbing but in about a week, I will look ten years younger. You tell me if it is worth it or not.
If you have acne scars, brown sun spots, uneven skin tone, find a dermatologist. It is amazing how much better you will feel after the down time is over.
Here is a video of dermatologist talking about peels. Check it out!
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